March for Life Christchurch 2024

March for Life Christchurch 2024
2pm Saturday 28th September
Hosted and supported by;
Pro-Life groups including Right to Life, Voice for Life,
40 Days for Life,
Pro Life UC, JPll Centre for LIfe, Pro Love and Family Life International (FLI)
Date and Time
gathering from 1pm Saturday 28th September. March starts at 2pm. Event ends no later than 4pm
click map
Event Description

Join pro-life New Zealanders at this year's Christchurch March for Life. Be a voice for the voiceless as we witness to the people of Christchurch that we love both the unborn child and their mothers.
Why We March
Because we value the unique beauty and value of each human life and seek its protection in law from conception
The primary aim of this march is to promote awareness of the injustice of New Zealand's abortion laws and to seek the repeal of the Abortion Legislation Act (2020)​​​​​
To remember the 600,000 New Zealand unborn children who have lost their lives to abortion since 1978​
To increase public awareness of the injustice of abortion and its impact on women, families and society and to recognise the unborn child as a person with a right to iife
To celebrate life and bring the Pro-Life Canterbury community together
1 pm - gather at Victoria Square. Family entertainment including live music, face painting, free candyfloss and popcorn. Prolife displays from participating groups
2pm - Start of march - see map for route of 40 minute route through city centre
2.45 - Prolife Speakers, including MP Paulo Garcia, Simon O'Connor, Ellie Whitaker (Prolife UC, and others
3:45 - End event with National Anthem
Why March for Life?

March Route
This map shows the general route of the march and the numbered stations are where marshalls are stationed to help people cross roads

Why we seeking the repeal of the Abortion Legislation Act (2020)
The Abortion Legislation Act eliminates any recognition of the unborn child's right to life and allows abortions up until and during birth for almost any reason.
Previously, late-term abortions were only allowed if two doctors agreed it was necessary to save the mother's life or prevent serious harm to her health.
The new law removes these restrictions, allowing a single medical practitioner to approve late-term abortions if deemed "clinically appropriate."
It also allows non-doctors to perform abortions and no longer requires two doctors' approval, just consultation with another medical practitioner. The second doctor does not even have to agree.
With the rising use of EMA's (Early Medical Abortions) there are medical and psychological risks, and issues relating to Informed consent, coercion and access to follow-up care that are not addressed adequetely in the new legislation.
The introduction of the Contraception, Sterilisation, and Abortion (Safe Areas) Amendment Bill 2020 has resulted in a loss of freedoms relating to freedom of speech and assembly. This is viewed as what we believe to be part of a government agenda to crack down on all forms of protest against abortion.​​
During the passing of the Abortion Legislation Act, numerous amendments aimed at providing basic protections for the unborn child were rejected by the NZ Parliament. These included:
A proposal by Simon O’Connor MP to ensure medical care and treatment for a child born alive after an unsuccessful abortion.
Supplementary Order Paper 478, which would have criminalized abortions based solely on sex selection.
Supplementary Order Paper 479, which would have criminalized abortions based solely on disability. ​
We believe there are better alternatives to abortion (including adoption) and expresses a commitment to making abortion unthinkable and unnecessary in New Zealand.